Get To Know: Meredith Anne Sutton

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We initially tripped to Meredith Anne Sutton’s beautiful jewelry after a trip to Savannah’s Paris Market. Then, after reading this beautiful You’re Welcome Savannah piece on Ms. Sutton, we had to have some of her work. Right now, we’re only owners of a pair of shotgun shell cufflinks, but I’m saving some funds to get all in on this up and coming jewelry afficianado. Please take the time to get to know a little bit about Savannah’s own, Meredith Anne Sutton!

Owner, Meredith Anne Sutton Jewelry
Jewelry Designer, Artist

CLUTTER FURNISHINGS AND INTERIORS: What drew you to the world of jewelry artistry?
MEREDITH ANNE SUTTON:  When I began my studies at SCAD, my focus was Graphic Design.  During my sophomore year I took an Intro to Jewelry course as an elective and never looked back. I was intrigued by the work of a close friend who was majoring in Metals and Jewelry. Her work was provocative and inspired my love of sculpture. Two weeks into the Intro course, I knew I would be a jewelry designer.

CF&I: What was the first piece of jewelry you remember owning?
MAS: A 14k gold Garnet ring that my father gave me. I’m a Capricorn and Garnet is my birthstone. At a very young age, maybe four, I spotted it in a jewelry store while we were out and about. He bought it for me and I have kept the ring close ever since.

CF&I: What is your favorite medium to work with?
MAS:  Gold, but it is so cost prohibitive for experimentation. Right now, I am very hot on brass. I’ve made about 45 bracelets in the last three weeks, each one-of-a-kind. With brass, I can have fun with my designs and experiment without risking next month’s rent. 

CF&I: If you could design for a celebrity, past or present, who would it be and why?
MAS:  Madonna of course.  Much of my design aesthetic merges the industrial, or unrefined, with a truly feminine undercurrent, which I feel would compliment Madonna’s dichotomously masculine and feminine sex appeal. But also because she is amazing and does some crazy sh*%.

CF&I: Who are your design influences?
MAS:  While I have great admiration and respect for a number of past and present designers, I aspire to hone and honor my own style. I am highly visual and so I find inspiration in vintage materials, in nature, and via structures in the built environment. I once created a set of cuffs that were inspired by highway intersections.

CF&I: What was the best part about attending Savannah College of Art & Design (SCAD)?
MAS:  The state-of-the-art facilities and industry leaders that SCAD brings to campus.  Also the relationships and support I’ve received as an alumnus.

CF&I: What is your guilty pleasure?
MAS: My boyfriend’s homebrewed beer, which is soon to be shared with all of Savannah once his brewery is up and running.

CF&I: Describe your jewelry in five words.
MAS:  Made in Savannah, by me. 

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